Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 5: Abstraction

The circulation abstractions show an individuals journey through the Villa Muller. The diagrams, specifically, give indications of level changes within the house and relations of the circulation to various public/private spaces.
Villa Muller: Living Room to Bedroom Circulation
Villa Muller: Garage to Boudoir Circulation
Public/private space abstractions were chosen to compliment the circulation studies. Long/short slices of the Villa Muller were taken - iteratively, to represent three dimensional spaces in two dimensions. The diagrams demonstrate the relation between public and private spaces throughout the house, as well as their connection to circulation.
Villa Muller: Private Space (Long Section)
Villa Muller: Private Space (Short Section)
Villa Muller: Public Space (Long Section)
Villa Muller: Public Space (Short Section)

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