Monday, April 15, 2013

Project 1 Final Submission

Part A: The Part and the Whole
Villa Muller: Ground Floor
Villa Muller: Basement
Villa Muller: Section
Villa Muller: Elevation
Villa Muller: Living Room to Boudoir
Villa Muller: Salon/Entrance and Living Room
Villa Muller: Living Room
Villa Muller: Living Room
Part B: Abstraction
Villa Muller: Private Spaces - Long Section
Villa Muller: Private Spaces - Short Section
Villa Muller: Public Spaces - Long Section
Villa Muller: Public Spaces - Short Section

Villa Muller: Circulation
Villa Muller: Landings - Basement and Entrance
Villa Muller: Landings - Ground Floor and First Floor
Villa Muller: Ground Floor to First Floor Public Circulation
Villa Muller: Ground Floor to First Floor Servant Circulation
Villa Muller: First Floor Circulation

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