Saturday, April 30, 2011

EXP 2: Final Submission

Maria Agnesi and Issac Newton's separate lab spaces are shown in the above image - from the original hypothesis, axonometric and parallel projection to the final mass. Both experiment on social behaviour - Agnesi with an emphasis on "wealthy and antisocial", and Newton on "colour white and stubborn". Once the experiments are complete, the two head towards the meeting area to discuss and exchange results.

Maria Agnesi

Issac Newton

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crysis Model 3

"A stubborn and anti-social person need not be two different people. More, one person following two different paths, of wealth and purity, to reach the same destination."

Just inquiring as to whether my updated electroliquid aggregation is suitable to my mass and terrain. Also, wondering if I have too much detail elements that clutter the terrain. Having some troubles working particles, but will flatten them out.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Crysis Model

"Wealthy, antisocial people are stubborn and like the colour white." - Maria Agnesi and Issac Newton

The images shown are all slight mistakes. The parallel projection was accidently scanned upside-down. This offered me a new way of viewing the model, and so I experimented with this in Sketchup/Crysis. Funnily enough, I rotated the model along the wrong axes - to produce the Crysis images. I felt it was more interesting portrayal of the two labs, and the meeting place to what I originally had. I ran through the model in FPS to see how it would work, and settled for this design.

Parallel Projections

"Being honest and modest will make you good at finance" - Maria Agnesi
"Studying about sexuality will lead you to have affairs with close people" - Sigmund Freud

"Being a psychoanalysis leads to self-inflicted pain." - Sigmund Freud
"Stubborn people are unhappy and unmarried." - Issac Newton

"To be a professor you have to be wealthy and antisocial." - Maria Agnesi
"People who like the colour white are stubborn and close-minded and often confuse science and religion." - Issac Newton

Saturday, April 2, 2011

12 Axonometrics

Maria Agnesi - "Being honest and modest will make you good at finance."

Maria Agnesi - "To be a professor you have to be wealthy and antisocial."
 Issac Newton - "Stubborn people are unhappy and unmarried."

Issac Newton - "People who like the colour white are stubborn and close-minded and often confuse science and religion."
Sigmund Freud - "Being a psychoanalysis leads to self-inflicted pain."

Sigmund Freud - "Studying about sexuality will lead you to have affairs with close people."