Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Draft 2

Updated environment.

Jonathan Ive elevator, based on "purpose".

Dining table, based on "unstable".

Bridge doodle, based on "unstable". Also based on F-Zero GX's Trident map.

Peer Reviews

Saturday, May 28, 2011


The steps shown may seem trivial and obvious, but from experience it is the only way I have found lofting to appear in a Sandbox 2 environment. It is important to note that your initial cross-sectional planes (green faces) and line/arc origin/direction are correct.

1. Draw your first section.

2. Draw your second section.

3. Draw a line/arc from your SECOND section TOWARDS your FIRST section (far rectangle to closer rectangle).

4. Select your FIRST section (close rectangle, origin).

5. Select your line/arc (Ctrl + Click).

6. Select your SECOND section (far rectangle, destination).

7. Create loft junction along a given path.

To emphasise, it may seem that these steps are basic - but they were the only way lofts worked for me. I hope this works for you! If it doesn't, have a play around with construction order (origin section, destination section, path), section direction (green to green etc.), and direction of path (from destination to origin, from origin to destination etc.). Hope this helps!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


T-Mass amalgamation - again, finding it a bit difficult to put pen to paper on an idea. So, I simply made models of some two point perspectives to get the process going.

Dining table, based on "unstable".

Jonathan Ive elevator, based on "purpose".

Lady Gaga elevator, based on "safeguard".

Sunday, May 8, 2011


The Wave, Arizona U.S.A


Power is highly unstable - it is the bane of society. In a position of power, it is important to safeguard your sense of identity and purpose. It is incredibly risky; and vital not to forget your roots. With absolute commitment, you can make the world a better place.

Lady Gaga: NME 2010, United Kingdom, accessed 7 May 2011, <http://www.nme.com/news/lady-gaga/50636>

Jonathan Ive: Johnny Davis, The Sydney Morning Herald 2011, Sydney, accessed 7 May 2011, <http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/mp3s/the-death-of-the-ipod-20110322-1c4lw.html>

Oprah Winfrey: Richard Zoglin, Time 1988, New York City, accessed 7 May 2011, <http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,968069-2,00.html>

18 Single Point Perspectives